Navigate your work life
Reduce the time you spend cutting purchase orders and managing daily tasks of graphics inventory.
Smart home devices have made our daily lives easier to navigate. Standing near the device users can just speak to order groceries, play music, or listen to an entire book read to them. What if you could do the same in your professional life?
• No need to monitor day-to-day inventory.
• Reduce production lines-down situations.
• Eliminate exorbitant expedite charge and next-day shipping for last-minute requests.
Instead of cutting a new purchase order every time inventory runs low, the parts are automatically replenished by the supplier. You don’t even need to ask.
It could be reality!
Romo Durable Graphics develops custom inventory stocking programs for clients who qualify. Our sales team works directly with the customer to choose which decals are the best fit, determine appropriate stocking volume, and a price that is consistent throughout the year. That’s all you do! We do the rest. Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI).
And if you get in a bind and consumption quantity changes, a dedicated customer service representative is ready to assist each client personally. The same person every time you call.